- Creating a dataset, by converting the input photos into the MVE File Format.
- Structure from Motion, which reconstructs the camera parameters of the input photos.
- Multi-View Stereo, which reconstructs dense depth maps for each image.
- Surface Reconstruction, which reconstructs a surface mesh from the depth maps.
----------------Creating a Dataset------------------------------------------
$ makescene -i image-dir scene-dir
----------------Structure from Motion---------------------------------------
$ sfmrecon scene-dir
----------------Multi-View Stereo-------------------------------------------
$ dmrecon -s2 scene-dir
----------------Point Cloud Export------------------------------------------
$ scene2pset -F2 scene-dir scene-dir/pset-L2.ply
----------------Floating Scale Surface Reconstruction-----------------------
$ fssrecon scene-dir/pset-L2.ply scene-dir/surface-L2.ply
$ meshclean -t10 scene-dir/surface-L2.ply scene-dir/surface-L2-clean.ply
注:目前 UMVE 功能不完整,建议在终端实现重建过程。
- Multi-View Environment
- mve
- MVE Users Guide
- Fuhrmann2014, MVE – A Multi-View Reconstruction Environment
- Goesele2007, Multi-View Stereo for Community Photo Collections
- Fuhrmann2014, Floating Scale Surface Reconstruction
- CloudCompare
- MeshLab
- Instruction on Reconstruction Workflow
- Drone Mapping Software
- 3D Reconstruction with Multi-View Environment (MVE)
- Advanced Techniques on Manipulating the Models
- 3D Reconstruction with COLMAP
- 3D Reconstruction with OpenSfM/OpenDroneMap
- VisualSFM
- VisualSfM + CMPMVS Details